- The Centre
- Fellows
- Fellowship Programme
- Fellows and Research Projects
- Fellows A–Z
- Ninth Academic Year: 2023–24
- Adorisio, Chiara
- Bielik-Robson, Agata
- Campanini, Saverio
- Chepurin, Kirill
- Delambre, Anaïs
- Di Nepi, Serena
- Diotto, Caterina
- Friedrich, Michael
- Hartman, Peter
- Heschel, Susannah
- Lorberbaum, Yair
- Lucci, Diego
- Lévy, Carlos
- Marinelli, Maria Caterina
- Natkovich, Svetlana
- Sachs-Shmueli, Leore
- Sales Vilalta, Guillem
- Schechtman, Anat
- Veronese, Alessandra
- Eighth Academic Year: 2022–23
- Bischoff, Doerte
- Boyarin, Daniel
- Chepurin, Kirill
- Della Rocca, Michael
- Diamond, James
- Eggerz, Níels Páll
- Facchini, Cristiana
- Hayes, Christine
- Koch, Patrick
- Krödel, Thomas
- Kurzmann, Frank
- Liss, Hanna
- Machuca, Diego
- Manekin, Charles
- Manekin, Rachel
- Mittleman, Alan
- Rover, Chiara
- Rubin, Abraham
- Segev, Ran
- Vinco, Roberto
- Seventh Academic Year: 2021–22
- Andreatta, Michela
- Assel, Heinrich
- Buzzetta, Flavia
- Caplan, Marc
- Chikurel, Idit
- Del Prete, Antonella
- Di Nepi, Serena
- Dinges, Alexander
- Dönitz, Saskia
- Drori, Danielle
- Feierstein, Liliana
- Garb, Jonathan
- Gellman, Uriel
- Hartenstein, Friedhelm
- Hartung, Gerald
- Klein, Julie
- Lelli, Fabrizio
- Morlok, Elke
- Ogren, Brian
- Peled, Yael
- Ranaee, Mahdi
- Rosenthal, Michael
- Shen, Jianyu
- Silvera, Myriam
- Theobald, Simon
- von Bernuth, Ruth
- Sixth Academic Year: 2020–21
- Fifth Academic Year: 2019–20
- Bartolucci, Guido
- Choi, Philip
- Christine Hayes
- Comacchi, Maria Vittoria
- Del Prete, Antonella
- Della Rocca, Michael
- Dingel, Irene
- Döll, Steffen
- Dunphy, Robert
- Fogel, Jeremy
- Großmann, Eike
- Harvey, Warren Zev
- Kaminska, Monika
- Karampatsou, Marialena
- Lohmann, Uta
- Paganini, Gianni
- Salah, Asher
- Segev, Ran
- Sánchez de León Serrano, José María
- Fourth Academic Year: 2018–19
- Abdalla, Bakinaz
- Botwinick, Aryeh
- Boyarin, Daniel
- Ehrensperger, Florian
- Fishman, Talya
- Franz, Timothy
- Fuhrer, Therese
- Garb, Jonathan
- Gottlieb, Michah
- Halper, Yehuda
- Harari, Yuval
- Harvey, Steven
- Harvey, Warren Zev
- Kreisel, Haim
- Leicht, Reimund
- Lohmann, Uta
- Lützen, Florian
- Lévy, Carlos
- Malachi, Ariel
- Nuñez Hernández, Nancy Abigail
- Rot, Avraham
- Ruderman, David
- Syros, Vasileios
- Sánchez de León Serrano, José María
- Veres, Máté
- Yonover, Jason
- Zolghadr, Behnam
- Third Academic Year: 2017–18
- Bartolucci, Guido
- Botwinick, Aryeh
- Boyarin, Daniel
- Brämer, Andreas
- Cooperman, Bernard
- Eichner, Heidrun
- Fishman, Talya
- Franz, Timothy
- Halper, Yehuda
- Hartenstein, Friedhelm
- Harvey, Steven
- Harvey, Warren Zev
- Kern, Margit
- Körting, Corinna
- Lang, Lukas
- Liss, Hanna
- Lucci, Diego
- Malachi, Ariel
- Meyer, Thomas
- Rubin, Israel Netanel
- Ruderman, David
- Sarnowsky, Jürgen
- Schechter, Oded
- Sánchez de León Serrano, José María
- Vollandt, Ronny
- Second Academic Year: 2016–17
- Bartolucci, Guido
- Benbassat, Roi
- Bluhm, Harald
- Caligiure, Teresa
- Cohen-Skalli, Cedric
- Gutschmidt, Rico
- Hanner, Oren
- Harari, Yuval
- Harvey, Warren Zev
- Hayon, Adi Louria
- Krinis, Ehud
- Malachi, Ariel
- Meyer, Thomas
- Pisano, Libera
- Salah, Asher
- Schnieder, Benjamin
- Schnytzer, Jonnie
- Snyder, Charles
- Spinelli, Emidio
- Stern, Josef
- Veres, Máté
- Vogt, Katja
- Westerkamp, Dirk
- First Academic Year: 2015–16
- Team
- Publications & Media
- Newsletter
- Publication List of MCAS
- Maimonides Library for Philosophy and Religion
- MLPR Volume 1: Jewish Socratic Questions
- MLPR Volume 2: Skepsis and Antipolitics
- MLPR Volume 3: Obadiah Sforno
- MLPR Volume 4: Averroes and Averroism
- MLPR Volume 5: Sforno: Light of the Nations
- MLPR Volume 6: Does God Doubt?
- MLPR Volume 7: Simone Luzzatto’s Scepticism
- MLPR Volume 8: A Sceptical Jew
- MLPR Volume 9: Truth, Philosophers, Prophets
- Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion
- Encyclopedia of Scepticism and Jewish Tradition
- Yearbook of MCAS (2016–19)
- Studies and Texts in Scepticism (2018–24)
- STIS Volume 1: Converts of Conviction
- STIS Volume 2: Isaac Orobio
- STIS Volume 3: Alienated Wisdom
- STIS Volume 4: Abulafia’s Esotericism
- STIS Volume 5: Scepticism & Anti-Scepticism
- STIS Volume 6: Sceptical Paths
- STIS Volume 7: Simone Luzzatto - Discourse
- STIS Volume 8: Simone Luzzatto - Socrates
- STIS Volume 9: A Touch of Doubt
- STIS Volume 10: Bruce Nauman
- STIS Volume 11: Halevi’s Fideistic Scepticism
- STIS Volume 12: Expressions of Sceptical Topoi
- Jewish Thought, Philosophy, and Religion (2017–22)
- Lecture2Go
- Events
- Annual Lectures
- Conferences
- Dialectical/Reading Mornings
- Exhibition
- Lecture Series
- Summer Schools
- Workshops/Sceptical Ateliers
- Workshop: "Questioning Authority"
- Workshop: "Breaking Idols, Embracing Doubts"
- Workshop: "Faith, Scepticism, and Human-Animal Boundaries in Jewish and Christian Religious Cultures"
- Workshop: "Limits of Faith: Jewish Women’s Views of the Divine, Jewish History, and Tradition after Auschwitz"
- Workshop: "A Resolute Reading of Descartes": Author Meets Critics
- Workshop: Morality, Emotions, and Scepticism
- Workshop: Gates to Modernity
- Workshop: Beyond Doubt
- Workshop: Mendelssohn’s Commentary
- Workshop: Spinoza's Anti-Sceptical System
- Workshop: Philo of Alexandria
- Early Career Workshop
- Workshop: Early Modern (Anti-) Scepticism
- Workshop: A Touch of Doubt
- Workshop: Visual Scepticism
- Workshop: Buddhism and Scepticism
- Workshop: Scepticism and Religion
- Sceptical Atelier: Simone Luzzatto
- Sceptical Atelier: Salomon Maimon
- Workshop: Jewish-Christian Polemics
- Workshop: Expression of Sceptical Topoi
- Workshop: Converts of Conviction
- Workshop: Isaac Orobio
- Workshop: Henry Dodwell
- Library
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Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies
Maimonides Centre
for Advanced Studies
for Advanced Studies