Publication List of MCAS
Update: 08 December 2023
Abdalla, Bakinaz (Junior Fellow)
- Abdalla, Bakinaz. One Truth or Two? Jewish Averroists on the Truth of the Prophets and the Truth of the Philosophers: the Case of Isaac Albalag. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Aumiller, Rachel (Research Team Member, MCAS I)
Aumiller, Rachel. “Sensation and Hesitation: Haptic Scepticism as an Ethics of Touching.” In A Touch of Doubt: On Haptic Scepticism, edited by Rachel Aumiller, 3–28. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. [Link: Open Access]
Aumiller, Rachel, ed. A Touch of Doubt: On Haptic Scepticism. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.
Aumiller, Rachel. “The Aborted Object of Comedy and the Birth of the Subject: Socrates and Aristophanes’ Alliance.” In The Object of Comedy: Philosophies and Performances, edited by Gregor Moder and Jamila M.H. Mascat, 75–92. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Aumiller, Rachel. “The Lick of the Mother Tongue: Derrida, Augustine and Marx on the Touch of Language.” In The Language of Touch: Philosophical Examinations in Linguistics and Haptic Studies, edited by Mirt Komel, 107–20. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Aumiller, Rachel. “Twice-Two: Hegel’s Comic Redoubling of Being and Nothing.” Problemi International 2 (2018): 253–78.
Aumiller, Rachel. “Epoché as the Erotic Conversion of One into Two.” In Yearbook for the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 3–13. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Aumiller, Rachel. “Antigone’s Stance amongst Slovenia’s Undead.” Studia Ethnologica Croatica 29 (2017): 19–43. [Link: Open Access]
Bartolucci, Guido (Senior Fellow)
Bartolucci, Guido, and Giuseppe Veltri. Forme dello scetticismo ebraica. Forthcoming.
Bartolucci, Guido. “‘Como so fuera republica de por si’: La respubblica divina di Baruch Spinoza tra Modello Cristiano e tradizione politica ebraica.” Rivista di storia della filosofia 3 (2020): 461–84.
Bartolucci, Guido. “La tradizione politica ebraica in Italia tra XV e XVII secolo.” Filosofia italiana 15 (2020): 73–92. [Link: Open Access]
Bartolucci, Guido. “Appendix I. Johannes Frischmuth (1619–1687).” In Giuseppe Veltri, Alienated Wisdom, 297–302. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Bartolucci, Guido, and Giuseppe Veltri, eds. “Appendix II: Johannes Frischmuth and Johann Leonhard Will, De loco Deut. XVII v. 8 et seqq. et quae ad illum moveri solet, quaestione: An Ebraei statuant, idem simul posse esse et non esse, exercitium academicum, Jena, Krebsius, 1658.” In Giuseppe Veltri, Alienated Wisdom, 303–24. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Bartolucci, Guido. “Jewish Scepticism in Christian Eyes: Jacob F. Reimmann and the Transformation of Jewish Philosophy.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 145–64. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Bartolucci, Guido. “Jewish Thought vs. Lutheran Aristotelism. Johann Frischmuth (1619–1687) and Jewish Scepticism.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 95–106. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Bartolucci, Guido. Vera religio: Marsilio Ficino e la tradizione ebraica. Turin: Paideia, 2017.
Benbassat, Roi (Junior Fellow)
Benbassat, Roi. “Emunah ke-maavak neged honaah atsmit etit” [Faith as a struggle against ethical self-deception]. In Kirkegor: Ben emunah otentit le-honaah atsmit [Kierkegaard: Between authentic faith and self-deception], edited by Tamar Aylat Yaguri, Jacob Golomb, and Pini Ifergan, 23–37. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2018.
Benbassat, Roi. “Jewish Faith and Scepticism—The Example of Yeshayahu Leibowitz. In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 161–81. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Bernardini, Paolo (Senior Fellow)
Bernardini, Paolo, ed. and trans. Jacob ben Amram [Benedetto Pinelli or Bento Pinhel], Porta veritatis. Sive compendiaria ad beatitudinem [ca. 1634–1640]. Latin text, introduction, and commentary. In preparation.
Bernardini, Paolo. “Das Mittelmeer in der deutschen Kultur von Hegel zu Herre (1830–1930).” In Philosophie und Germanistik in Dialog, edited by L.A. Macor, forthcoming.
Bernardini, Paolo. “Fighting for the Truth? Some Remarks on the Real Meaning of the Jewish- Christian Controversies and the Briel-Pinamonti Polemics (1694–1702).” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 230–37. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Bernardini, Paolo. “Hebraica veritas? Philosophy, Scepticism, and Politics in the Porta veritatis (1634–1640).” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016, edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Bill Rebiger, 77–94. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Bernardini, Paolo. “Mysteries at the Gate of Truth: A Re-Appraisal of the Porta veritatis (1634–1640).” Nuova rivista storica 101 (2017): 65–82.
Bernardini, Paolo. La libertà, per esempio. Questioni mediterranee e idee liberali. Venice: Marcianum Press, 2017.
Bernardini, Paolo. “Looking East, Thinking West: Isidore Loeb (1839–1892) and the Jews in the Ottoman Empire.” In The Jews and the Nation-States of Southeastern Europe from the 19th Century to the Great Depression. Combining Viewpoints on a Controversial Story, edited by Tullia Catalan and Marco Dogo, 171–82. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.
Bernardini, Paolo. “Lo scetticismo del rabbino. Rileggendo Simone Luzzatto. A proposito di un libro recente.” Henoch 37 (2015): 276–304. [Link: Open Access]
Bluhm, Harald (Senior Fellow)
Bluhm, Harald. “Was Leo Strauss a Zetetic Political Philosopher?” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 145–160. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Botwinick, Aryeh (Senior Fellow)
- Botwinick, Aryeh. “The Simultaneous Genesis of Monotheism and Scepticism in the Jewish Tradition.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 3–10. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Brämer, Andreas (Senior Fellow)
- Brämer, Andreas: “Abraham Geiger – Skeptischer Pionier einer Glaubenslehre des Reformjudentums?” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 207–230. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Caligiure, Teresa (Senior Fellow)
Caligiure, Teresa. “In antiquam litem relabimur. Sceptical Hints in Petrarch‘s Scretum.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 29–50. Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter. [Link: Open Access]
Chayes, Evelien (Junior Fellow)
Chayes, Evelien and Giuseppe Veltri. Oltre le Mura del Ghetto: Accademie, Scetticismo e Tolleranza nella Venezia barocca. Studi e documenti d’archivio. Palermo: New Digital Frontiers, 2016.
Choi, Philip (Junior Fellow)
- Choi, Philip. “Rethinking Later Medieval Epistemology.” PhD diss., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2020. ProQuest (Order No. 28030053).
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric (Senior Fellow)
- Cohen-Skalli, Cedric and Libera Pisano, ed. Skepsis and Antipolitics. The Alternative of Gustav Landauer. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “From the Court of the Kings to the Court of the Prophets: A New Inquiry into Abravanel’s Historicization of the Bible.” In Isaac Abravanel in His Times: Four Essays, edited by Cedric Cohen-Skalli. Accepted for publication by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “L’intrigue religieuse du concept allemand de traduction.” In Philosophes en dialogue, edited by Charles-Yves Zarka, forthcoming.
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “Don Isaac Abravanel in Portugal (1437–1483): A Socio-Cultural Profile” [Hebrew]. Alei Sefer 28 (2018): 49–117.
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “Don Isaac Abravanel and the Capture of Arzila in August 1471. Expansion, Communal Leadership and Cultural Networks.” In Portuguese Jews, New Christians, and “New Jews”: A Tribute to Roberto Bachmann, edited by Claude B. Stuczynski and Bruno Feitler, 56–72. Leiden: Brill, 2018. [Link: Not Open Access]
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “The Motif of Anticipation and the First World War: Cohen, Benjamin, and Rosenzweig.” In Comparative Studies in the Humanities, edited by Guy D. Stroumsa, 55–88. Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2018.
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “The Multilingualism of Don Isaac Abravanel.” In City, Court, Academy: Language Choice in Early Modern Italy, edited by Eva Del Soldato and Andrea Rizzi, 159–72. London and New York: Routledge, 2018.
Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “Don Isaac Abravanel and the Conversos: Wealth, Politics and Messianism.” Journal of Levantine Studies 6 (2016): 43–69. [Link: Open Access]
Comacchi, Maria Vittoria (Junior Fellow)
Comacci, Maria Vittoria. “‘Basta creder fermamente quello che la ragione non reprova’: La renovatio ficiniana in un passo sulla creazione dei Dialoghi d’amore di Yehudah Abarbanel.” Rivista di storia della filosofia 75 (2020): 381–407.
Comacchi, Maria Vittoria, and Luigi Emilio Pischedda, eds. Dissenso ed eterodossia nel pensiero ebraica. Special issue, Rivista di storia della filosofia 75 (2020).
Comacchi, Maria Vittoria, and Luigi Emilio Pischedda. “Dissenso ed eterodossia nel pensiero ebraica: Prefazione.” Rivista di storia della filosofia 75 (2020): 367–79. [Link: Open Access]
Comacchi, Maria Vittoria. Review of Spinoza, philosophe grammairien, edited by Jan Baumgarten, Irène Rosier-Catach, and Pina Totaro. Filosofia italiana 15 (2020): 217–22. [Link: Open Access]
Comacchi, Maria Vittoria. “Yehudah Abravanel e l’eredità di Marsilio Ficino. La ‘teologale sapienzia’ e il divino Platone.“ Filosofia italiana 15 (2020): 53–72. [Link: Open Access]
Comacchi, Maria Vittoria. “Yehudah Abarbanel’s Astromythology: In the Footsteps of Marsilio Ficino’s prisca theologia.“ Bruniana & Campanelliana 26 (2020): 437–52.
Comacchi, Maria Vittoria. “Abarbanel, Leon.” In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, edited by Marco Sgarbi. Cham: Springer, 2019. [Link: Not Open Access]
Dunphy, Robb
Dunphy, Robb. “From Proto-Sceptic to Sceptic in Sextus’ Outlines of Pyrrhonism.” Apeiron, forthcoming. [Link: Not Open Access]
Dunphy, Robb. “Sextan Scepticism and the Rise and Rise of German Idealism.” In Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy, edited by Robb Dunphy and Toby Lovat. London: Routledge, forthcoming.
Dunphy, Robb. “Agrippan Problems.” Logos and Episteme 11 (2020): 259–82. [Link: Open Access]
Dunphy, Robb. Review of The Palgrave Hegel Handbook, edited by Marina Bykova and Kenneth Westphal. Phenomenological Reviews (September 2020) [Link: Open Access]
Eichner, Heidrun (Senior Fellow)
Eichner, Heidrun. “Epistemology and Ontology as mirrored in the Structure of Bahmanyār’s Kitāb al-taḥṣīl.” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy. Forthcoming 2022.
Eichner, Heidrun. “Scepticisms in the Formation of Islamic Rational Theology: Abū al-Qāsim al-Balkhī and Ibn al-Malāḥimī Providing a Window on the Transmission of Arguments from Late Antiquity.” Theoria 88, no. 1 (2022): 49–71.
Eichner, Heidrun. “Sieben Zweifel des Teufels: Eine Passage zur Theodizeeproblematik in der Doxographie des Muḥammad al-Shahrastānī.“ In: Über das Böse, Interdisziplinäre Perspektive, edited by Jörg Noller, 46–61. Freiburg, München: Verlag Karl Alber. 2020.
Eichner, Heidrun. “Aufklärung und Wissenstraditionen des Islam.“ In Bildung als Aufklärung, edited by Anne Conrad, Alexander Maier and Christoph Nebgen, 499–519. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2020.
Eichner, Heidrun. Endoxa and the Theology of Aristotle and Sceptical Elements in Avicenna’s "Flying Man": Contexts for Similarities with Sceptical and Cartesian Arguments in Avicenna." In Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present, edited by Veltri, Giuseppe, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli, and Stephan Schmid, 67–82. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Franz, Timothy (Junior Fellow)
- Franz, Timothy. "What was Maimon After? His Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science in 1790" In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 173–218. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Garb, Jonathan (Senior Fellow)
Garb, Jonathan. “Doubt and Certainty in Late Modern Kabbalah. A Tale of Two Schools.” In Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, edited Ze’ev Strauss, 79–106. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022. [Link: Open Access].
- Garb, Jonathan. A History of Kabbalah from the Early Modern Period to the Present Day. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Garb, Jonathan. “Doubt and Certainty in Early Modern Kabbalah. In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 239–246. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Gondelman, Mark Marion (Junior Fellow)
- Gondelman, Mark Marion. “Not by Socrates, but by the Splendour of Israel. Philosophy and Kabbalah in Abraham Miguel Cardozo’s Early Thought.” In Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, edited by Ze’ev Strauss, 209–239. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022. [Link: Open Access]
Gottlieb, Michah (Senior Fellow)
- Gottlieb, Michah. "Does Judaism Have Dogma? Moses Mendelssohn and a Forgotten Nineteenth-Century Debate." In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 219–242. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, forthcoming 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Gutschmidt, Rico (Junior Fellow)
Gutschmidt, Rico. “Skeptizismus und Negative Theologie. Endlichkeit als transformative Erfahrung.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67/1 (2019): 23–41. [Open Access]
Haliva, Racheli (Co-Director)
- Racheli Haliva, Dan Davies, and Yoav Meyrav, eds. Averroism and Anti-Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought—Truth, Authority, Doubt. 2 volumes. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2021.
- Haliva, Racheli. “The Mosaic Commandments—an Anti-Skeptical Approach in Jewish Averroism.” Falsafa. Yearbook for Islamic Philosophy of Religion (2019): 36–55.
- Haliva, Racheli, Giuseppe Veltri, Emidio Spinelli, and Stephan Schmid, eds. Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
- Haliva, Racheli. “The Origin of the World – An Anti-Sceptical Approach in Medieval Jewish Averroism.” In Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Jewish Philosophy and Thought, edited by Racheli Haliva, 130–145. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Haliva, Racheli, ed. Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought, Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Halper, Yehuda (Senior Fellow)
- Halper, Yehuda. Jewish Socratic Questions in an Age without Plato. Permitting and Forbidding Open Inquiry in 12-15th Century Europe and North Africa. Boston, Leiden: Brill, 2021.
- Halper, Yehuda. "In One Sense Easy, in Another Difficult: Reverberations of the Opening of Aristotle's Metaphysics α ἔλλατον in Medieval and Renaissance Hebrew Literature." Revue des Études Juives 179, 1–2 (2020): 133–160.
Halper, Yehuda. “The Sex Life of a Metaphysical Sceptic: Platonic Themes in Gersonides’ Commentary on Song of Songs.” In Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Jewish Philosophy and Thought, edited by Racheli Haliva, 130–145. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Hanner, Oren (Junior Fellow)
Hanner, Oren, ed. Buddhism and Scepticism: Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives. Hamburg Buddhist Studies. Freiburg: Projektverlag, 2020. [Open Access]
Hanner, Oren. “Scripture and Scepticism in Vasubandhu's Exegetical Method.” In Buddhism and Scepticism: Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives, edited by Oren Hanner, 131–160. Hamburg Buddhist Studies 13. Bochum/ Freiburg: Projektverlag, 2020. [Open Access]
Harari, Yuval (Senior Fellow)
Harari, Yuval, “Maaseh shedim ve-halom (Magyat ha-halom ha-yehudit II)” [Dreams, divination and demons (Jewish dream magic II)]. In Asif le-Yassif: Studies in Honor of Prof. Eli Yassif, edited by Tovah Rozen, David Rotman, Nili Aryeh-Sapir and Tsahi Sebah-Elran. 187–232. Special issue, Teuda 27 (2018).
Harvey, Steven (Senior Fellow)
Harvey, Steven.“Was Al-Ghazālī an Avicennist: Some Provocative Reflections on Jewish Averroism?” In Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Jewish Averroism, edited by Racheli Haliva, Daniel Davies, and Yoav Meyrav. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Harvey, Steven and Oded Horezky. “Variations and Consistencies in Hebrew Scientific Terminology: Hebrew Versions of Aristotle’s Physics in the 13th and 14th Centuries.” In Translating Ibn Rushd, edited by Reimund Leicht and Giuseppe Veltri. Officina Philosophica Hebraica. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Harvey, Steven. “Averroes and Sforno on God’s Knowledge of Particulars.” In The Philosophical Canon of Obadiah Sforno and His Contemporaries, edited by Giada Coppola, Florian Dunklau, and Giuseppe Veltri. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Harvey, Zev Warren (Senior Fellow)
Harvey, Warren Zev, “Spinoza and Maimonides on True Religion.” In A Companion to Spinoza, edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed, 41–46. Hoboken, NJ, and Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.
Harvey, Zev Warren. “How to Begin to Study Strauss’s 'How to Begin to Study the Guide of the Perplexed.’” In Interpreting Maimonides, edited by Charles H. Manekin and Daniel Davies, 228–46. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. [Link: Not Open Access]
Harvey, Zev Warren. “The Problem of Many Gods in al-Ghazālī, Averroes, Maimonides, Crescas, and Sforno.” In Sceptical Paths: Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli, and Stephan Schmid, 83–96. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Harvey, Zev Warren. “Maimonides, Crescas, and the Parable of the Castle.” In Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought, edited by Racheli Haliva, 167–75. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Harvey, Zev Warren. Review of The Matter and Form in Maimonides‘ Guide, by Josef Stern [Hebrew]. Iyyun 66 (2017): 399–404. [Link: Not Open Access]
Idel, Moshe (Visiting Scholar)
Idel, Moshe. Abraham Abulafia‘s Esotericism: Secrets and Doubts. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Kaplan, Lawrence (Senior Fellow)
Kaplan, Lawrence. “The Purpose of the Guide of the Perplexed, Maimonides’ Theory of Parables, and Sceptical versus Dogmatic Readings of the Guide.” In Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought, edited by Racheli Haliva, 67–85. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Kern, Margit (Senior Fellow)
Kern, Margit, ed. Visuelle Skepsis: Wie Bilder zweifeln. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, forthcoming 2023.
Kern, Margit. “Augentäuschung und Visuelle Skepsis in der Frühen Neuzeit.” In Ausstellungskatalog Lust der Täuschung. Von antiker Kunst bis zur Virtual Reality, edited by Roger Diederen, 59–67. München: Prestel, 2018.
Kiperwasser, Reuven (Senior Fellow)
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “Going West: Migrating Babylonians and the Question of Identity.” In A Question of Identity: Social, Political, and Historical Aspects of Identity Dynamics in Jewish and Other Contexts, edited by Dikla Rivlin Katz, Noah Hacham, Geoffrey Herman, and Lilach Sagiv, 111–30. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019.
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “The Cure of Amnesia and ars memoria in Rabbinic Texts.” In Defining Jewish Medicine. Transfers of Medical Knowledge in Jewish Cultures and Traditions, edited by Lennart Lehmhaus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, forthcoming 2021.
Kiperwasser, Reuven, and Geoffrey Herman, eds. Expressions of Sceptical Topoi in (Late) Antique Judaism. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. [Link: Open Access]
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “Facing the Omnipotence and Shaping the Skeptical Topos.” In Expressions of Sceptical Topoi in (Late) Antique Judaism, edited by Reuven Kiperwasser and Geoffrey Herman, 101–24. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. [Link: Open Access]
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “What is Hidden in the Small Box? Narratives of Late Antique Roman Palestine in Dialogue.” AJS Review 45 (2021): 76–94. [Link: Open Access]
Kiperwasser, Reuven, and Serge Ruzer. “Sea Voyage Tales in Conversation with the Jonah Story: Intertextuality and the Art of Narrative Bricolage.” Journeys 20, no. 2 (2019): 39–57.
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “‘Three Partners in a Person’: The Metamorphoses of a Tradition and the History of an Idea.” In Irano-Judaica VII, edited by Julia Rubanovich and Geoffrey Herman, 393–437. Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute, 2019.
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “Narrative Bricolage and Cultural Hybrids in Rabbinic Babylonia: On the Narratives of Seduction and the Topos of Light.” In The Aggada of the Bavli and Its Cultural World, edited by Geoffrey Herman and Jeffrey L. Rubenstein, 23–45. Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, 2018.
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “A Spindle for Caesar’s Daughter.” In Sources and Interpretation in Ancient Judaism: Studies for Tal Ilan at Sixty, edited by Meron M. Piotrkowski, Geoffrey Herman, and Saskia Dönitz, 229–51. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Kiperwasser, Reuven. “Wives of Commoners and the Masculinity of the Rabbis: Jokes, Serious Matters, and Migrating Traditions.” Journal for the Study of Judaism 48 (2017): 418–45.
Körting, Corinna (Senior Fellow)
Körting, Corinna. “Haggai, Sakarja og Malaki: Velsignelse og Forbannelse.” In Gammeltestamentlig og Bibelsk Teologi, edited by Jan Dietrich and Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme, 473–92. Copenhagen: Bibelselskabets Forlag, 2021.
Körting, Corinna. “Is Malachi among the Prophets?” In Prophecy and Hellenism, edited by Hannes Bezzel and Stefan Pfeiffer, 125–40. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021.
Kreisel, Howard (Senior Fellow)
Kreisel, Howard. Between Philosophic Optimism and Fideistic Scepticism: An Overview of Medieval Jewish Philosophy. In Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought, edited by Racheli Haliva, 67–85. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Krinis, Ehud (Senior Fellow)
Krinis, Ehud. Judah Halevi’s Fideistic Scepticism in The Kuzari. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Lang, Lukas (Junior Fellow)
Lang, Lukas. Reidian Common Sense. An Antidote to Scepticism?” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 165–178. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Leicht, Reimund (Senior Fellow)
- Leicht, Reimund. “A Maimonidean Life. Joseph ben Judah Ibn Shimʿon of Ceuta’s Biography Reconstructed.” In Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, edited Ze’ev Strauss, 1–48. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022. [Link: Open Access]
Lévy, Carlos (Senior Fellow)
- Strauss, Ze’ev and Carlos Lévy, ed. Philo of Alexandria and Jewish Philosophical Scepticism. Studies in Philo of Alexandria. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2024.
- Lévy, Carlos. Philo of Alexandria vs Descartes. An Ignored Jewish Premonitory Critic of the cogito. In Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli and Stephan Schmid, 5–22. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Liss, Hanna (Senior Fellow)
Liss, Hanna. “Scepticism, Critique, and the Art of Writing: Preliminary Considerations on the Question of Textual Authority in Medieval Peshaṭ Exegesis.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 15–46. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Lissa, Anna (Research Team Member, MCAS I)
- Lissa, Anna. “Where Is Sanctity to Be Found? A Sceptical Approach to Jewish Tradition and Zionist Utopia in Agnon’s A Guest for the Night.” In Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, edited by Ze’ev Strauss, 107–144. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022. [Link: Open Access]
Luzzatto, Simone. Discourse on the State of the Jews and in particular those dwelling in the illustrious city of Venice (1638). Bilingual Edition, edited, translated, and commented by Giuseppe Veltri and Anna Lissa. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
- Lissa, Anna and Giuseppe Veltri. “La Prudence de Simone Luzzatto dans le Grand Théâtre du Monde.” In La vertu des païens, edited by Silvie Taussi, 143–172. Paris: Éditions Kimé, 2018.
- Lissa, Anna and Giuseppe Veltri. “Come attraversar il canale restando fermi: un responso famoso di Simone Luzzatto nell’enciclopedia di Isacco Lampronti.” In Nuovi studi su Isacco Lampronti. Storia, poesia, scienza e halakah, edited by Mauro Perani, 259–269. Firenze: Giuntina, 2017.
- Lissa, Anna, „La zooantropologica scettica nella visione luzzattiana del gran teatro del mondo”, In Filosofo e Rabbino nella Venezia del Seicento. Studi su Simone Luzzatto (1583 ca.-1663). Con un’appendice di documenti inediti dall’Archivio di Stato, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, 91–182 Rome: Aracne, 2015.
Lohmann, Uta
- „Geist der lebendigen Unterhaltung“. Moses Mendelssohn, seine Nachfolger und die Schauplätze skeptischer Reflexionen über Religion und Bildung in der Berliner Haskala. In: Mendelssohn-Studien 23 (2023), 23–51.
- “On Enlightenment in Religion”. Skepticism and Tolerance in Educational and Cultural Concepts Within the Berlin and Breslau Haskalah. In: Religions 14/3 (2023), 326. Special Issue: Skepticism and Tolerance: Moses Mendelssohn, Salomon Maimon, and Jewish Enlightenment Thought. Eds. Ze’ev Strauss, Libera Pisano, Michah Gottlieb und José María Sánchez de León Serrano [Link: Open Access:].
Louria-Hayon, Adi (Junior Fellow)
Louria-Hayon, Adi. Bruce Nauman: Performative Scepticism and the Aporia of Sense. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter Publishers, forthcoming 2022.
- Louria-Hayon, Adi. “Nancy’s Pleasure in Kant’s Agitation.” In Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, edited by Ze’ev Strauss, 174–208. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022. [Link: Open Access]
Louria-Hayon, Adi. “The Dialectics of Failed Perception in the Early Work of Bruce Nauman.” In Visuelle Skepsis: Wie Bilder Zweifeln, edited by Margit Kern. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, forthcoming 2022.
Louria-Hayon, Adi. “The Weak Relations of Touch and Sight through the Passage of Lapsed Time.” In A Touch of Doubt: on Haptic Scepticism, edited by Rachel Aumiller. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2021. [Link: Open Access]
Lucci, Diego (Senior Fellow)
- Lucci, Diego. “Locke’s Reasonable Christianity: A Religious Enlightener’s Theology in Context.” In Between Secularisation and Reform: Religion in the Enlightenment, edited by Anna Tomaszewska and Hasse Hämäläinen. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2022).
- Lucci, Diego. “Locke and the Socinians on the Natural and Revealed Law.” In Philosophy, Religion, and Science in Seventeenth-Century England, edited by Sorana Corneanu, Benjamin I. Goldberg, and Diego Lucci, special issue of the Journal of Early Modern Studies, 11, no. 1 (2022).
Lucci, Diego. John Locke’s Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
- Lucci, Diego. “Separating Politics from Institutional Religion: The Significance of John Locke’s Theory of Toleration.” Dialogue and Universalism 31, no. 2 (2021): 67–87.
Lucci, Diego. “Reconciling Locke’s Consciousness-Based Theory of Personal Identity and His Soteriology.” Locke Studies 20 (2020): 1–39. [Link: Open Access]
Lucci, Diego. “From Unitarianism to Deism: Matthew Tindal, John Toland, and the Trinitarian Controversy.” In The World of Seventeenth-Century English Dissenters: Piety, Theology, Heterodoxy, edited by Paula Barros, Anne Dunan-Page, and Laurence Lux-Sterrit. Special issue, Études epistémè 35 (2019). [Link: Open Access]
Lucci, Diego. “The Law of Nature, Mosaic Judaism, and Primitive Christianity in John Locke and the English Deists.” Entangled Religions: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Religious Contact and Transfer 8 (2019). [Link: Open Access]
Lucci, Diego. “John Locke on Atheism, Catholicism, Antinomianism, and Deism.” Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics 20, no. 3 (2018): 201–46. [Link: Open Access]
Lucci, Diego. “Political Scepticism, Moral Scepticism, and the Scope and Limits of Toleration in John Locke.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 109–44. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Malachi, Ariel (Junior Fellow)
Malachi, Ariel and Hanna Kasher. “On the Certainty of Traditions in the Writings of Abraham Ibn Daud and Moses Maimonides." In The Pursuit of Happiness in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Philosophy, edited by Yehuda Halper.123–148. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.
- Malachi, Ariel. “Between Philosophy and Revelation in the Kuzari.” In A Tribute to Hannah: The Jubilee Book in Honor of Prof. Hanna Kasher (hebr.), edited by Avi Elqayam and Ariel Malachi, 197 – 243. Tel Aviv: Idra Press, 2018.
Malachi, Ariel. “Scepticism at the Service of Revelation? Preliminary Observations on Logic and Epistemology in Judah Halevi‘s Kuzari.“ In Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought, edited by Racheli Haliva, 23–40. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
- Malachi, Ariel. Skhaltanut ve-Filosofyah be-Mahshevet Rihal: ben Logikah, Epistemologiyah ve-Hitgalut be-Sefer ha-Kuzari [Rationalism and philosophy in Judah Halevi’s thought: Between logic, epistemology and revelation in the Kuzari]. PhD diss., Bar-Ilan University, 2017.
Meyrav, Yoav (Research Team Member, MCAS I and II)
- Meyrav, Yoav. Moses Halevi: A Jewish Andalusian Avicennist in the age of Averroes and Maimonides.” Jewish Studies Quarterly (accepted for publication).
Meyrav, Yoav. “Love and Hate May Lead Astray: Moses Halevi’s Rejection of Averroes.” In Averroism and Anti-Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought—Truth, Authority, Doubt, edited by Racheli Haliva, Dan Davies, and Yoav Meyrav. Leiden and Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Meyrav, Yoav, Racheli Haliva, and Dan Davies, eds. Averroism and Anti-Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought—Truth, Authority, Doubt. 2 vols. Leiden and Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Meyrav, Yoav, ed. Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Meyrav, Yoav, ed. Themistius: On Aristotle Metaphysics 12. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
Nuñez Hernández, Nancy Abigail (Junior Fellow)
- Nuñez Hernández, Nancy Abigail. "Narrowing "Know" as a Contextualist SAtrategy against Cartesian Sceptical Conclusions. In Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli and Stephan Schmid, 203–22 . Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Paganini, Gianni (Senior Fellow)
- Paganini, Gianni. “Jean Bodin’s Universalism and the Twofold Foundations of Natural Religion A New Reading of the Colloquium heptaplomeres In Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, edited by Ze’ev Strauss, 145–173. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022. [Link: Open Access]
Pisano, Libera (Junior Fellow)
- Cohen-Skalli, Cedric and Libera Pisano, ed. Skepsis and Antipolitics. The Alternative of Gustav Landauer. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming.
Pisano, Libera. “I limiti del linguaggio e la diversità delle lingue. Tracce di scetticismo linguistico nella filosofia di Franz Rosenzweig.” Archivio di filosofia 86, no 1 (2018): 163–71.
Pisano, Libera. “Lo spazio diventa tempo: Scetticismo, anarchia e messianismo in Gustav Landauer.” In Teologiie e politica, Genealogie e attualità, edited by Elettra Stimilli, 161–75. Macerata: Quodlibet, 2019.
Pisano, Libera. “Anarchic Scepticism: Language, Mysticism, and Revolution in Gustav Landauer.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 251–72. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Pisano, Libera. “Misunderstanding Metaphors: Linguistic Scepticism in Mauthner’s Philosophy.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016, edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Bill Rebiger, 95–122. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Pisano, Libera. “Silence, Translation, and Grammatical Therapy: Some Features of Linguistic Scepticism in the Thought of Rosenzweig and Wittgenstein.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 121–43. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Pisano, Libera. “Judentum, Entfremdung, Sprache. Der Vergessene Zusammenhang zwischen Mendelssohn und Hegel.” Judaica 72 (2016): 473–510. [Link: Open Access]
Rebiger, Bill (Research Team Member, MCAS I)
Rebiger, Bill. “Sceptical Elements in a Dogmatic Stance: Isaac Polqar Against the Kabbalah.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 47–66. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Rebiger, Bill, ed. Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
- Rebiger, Bill. “Sceptical Strategies in Simone Luzzatto’s Presentation of the Kabbalists in his Discorso.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 51–69. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
- Rebiger, Bill, ed. Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
- Rebiger, Bill. “The Early Opponents of the Kabbalah and the Role of Sceptical Argumentations: An Outline.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016, edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Bill Rebiger, 39–57. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2016. [Link: Open Access]
- Veltri, Giuseppe and Bill Rebiger, eds. Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2016. [Link: Open Access]
Rot, Avraham (Junior Fellow)
- Rot, Avraham. "Spinoza's Affectove Scepticism." In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 145–172. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Rubin, Israel Netanel (Junior Fellow)
- Rubin, Israel Netanel. “The Eunuch and the Baldhead: Sexuality in Early Jewish-Christian Polemic.” The Review of Rabbinic Judaism 24 (2021): 197–206.
Rubin, Israel Netanel. “Special Providence on Animals: Innovation on the Ba’al-Sham-Tov or of Jesus Christ?” [Hebrew]. Moreshet Yisrael 18, no. 2 (2020): 235–67. [Link: Open Access]
Rubin, Israel Netanel. "Torah, Science and Skepticism in the Writings of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Lubavtich – New York." Daat 87 (2019): 507–35.
Ruderman, David (Senior Fellow)
Ruderman, David. “Moses Margoliouth: The Precarious Life of a Scholarly Convert.” Jewish Quarterly Review 109 (2019): 84–117.
Ruderman, David. “Reading Orobio in Nineteenth-Century England: The Missionary Alexander McCaul’s ‘Israel Avenged.’” In Isaac Orobio: The Jewish Argument with Dogma and Doubt, edited by Carsten Wilke, 105–14. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Ruderman, David, ed. Converts of Conviction: Faith and Scepticism in Nineteenth-Century European Jewish Society. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Ruderman, David. “The Intellectual and Spiritual Journey of Stanislaus Hoga: From Judaism to Christianity to Hebrew Christianity.” In Converts of Conviction: Faith and Scepticism in Nineteenth-Century European Jewish Society, edited by David Ruderman, 41–54. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Ruderman, David. “Towards a Preliminary Portrait of an Evangelical Missionary to the Jews: The Many Faces of Alexander McCaul (1799–1863).” Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 47 (2015): 48–69. [Link: Open Access]
Salah, Asher (Senior Fellow)
Salah, Asher. “Jewish Reform in 19th Century Italy.” Filosofia italiana 15 (2020): 111–39. [Link: Open Access]
Salah, Asher. “Are Karaites Sceptics? The Jewish Perception of Karaism in Nineteenth Century Italy.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 231–50. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Salah, Asher. “Judaism as a Moral Theology: The Work and the Figure of Elisha Pontremoli.” Zakhor, Nuova Serie 1 (2017): 101–29. [Link: Open Access]
Sánchez de Leon Serrano, José María (Senior Fellow)
Sánchez de Léon Serrano, José María. “Defective Self-Knowledge and the Infinite Intellect in Mendelssohn’s Morning Hours.” In Tolerance and Scepticism: Moses Mendelssohn, Salomon Maimon and the Philosophy of Jewish Enlightenment, edited by Zeev Strauss, Michah Gottlieb, Libera Pisano, and José María Sánchez de León. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
Sánchez de Léon Serrano, José María. “Miracoli versus Dio. Sul dubbio e la rivelazione in Spinoza.” In Scetticismo ebraico, edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Guido Bartolucci. Turin: Paideia, forthcoming.
Sánchez de Léon Serrano, José María. “Hegel on Spinozism and the Beginning of Philosophy.” In A Companion to Spinoza, edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed, 548–56. Hoboken, NJ, and Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.
Sánchez de León Serrano, José María. "Arnold Geulincx: Scepticism and Mental Holism." In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 125–144. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Sánchez de León Serrano, José María. “Spinoza on Global Doubt.” In Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli and Stephan Schmid, 147–164. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
- Sánchez de León Serrano, José María. “Attained or Given? Divine Knowledge in Spinoza.” In Grundlegung des Absoluten? Paradigmen aus der Geschichte der Metaphysik, edited by Ermylos Plevrakis and Max Rohstock, 171–198. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019.
- Sánchez de León Serrano, José María. “The Place of Skepticism in Spinoza‘s Thought.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 35/1 (2018): 1–19.
Sarnowsky, Jürgen (Senior Fellow)
- Sarnowsky, Jürgen.“Looking for Signs. Criticism, Doubts, and Popular Belief in Fifteenth-Century Germany.” In Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, edited by Ze’ev Strauss, 240–277. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022. [Link: Open Access]
- Sarnowsky, Jürgen. "Unglauben und Zweifel im Kanonisationsprozess von Dorothea von Montau." Preußenland 10 (2019): 84–98.
Schechter, Oded (Junior Fellow)
- Schechter, Oded. "Spinoza's Miracles: Scepticism, Dogmatism, and Critial Hermeneutics." In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 89–108. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Schmid, Stephan (Co-Director)
- Schmid, Stephan. “Suárez on Causation.” In Encyclopedia, edited by Mário Santiago de Carvalho and Simone Guidi, 2022. [Link]
- Schmid, Stephan. “Faculties in Early Modern Philosophy.” In Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, edited by Dana Jalobeanu and Charles T. Wolfe, 1–7. Cham: Springer, 2020. [Link]
Schmid, Stephan. “Spinoza Against the Skeptics.” In A Companion to Spinoza, edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed, 276–85. Hoboken, NJ, and Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.
Schmid, Stephan. “Epistemic Responsibility in an Occasionalist World: Malebranche‘s Theory of Judgment.” In Active Cognition: Challenges to an Aristotelian Tradition, edited by Véronique Decaix and Ana María Mora-Márquez, 133–62. Dordrecht: Springer, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
- Schmid, Stephan, ed. Philosophy of Mind in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. London, New York: Routledge, 2019.
Schmid, Stephan. “Erkenntnistheorie in der Frühen Neuzeit.” In Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie, edited by Martin Grajner and Guido Melchior. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2019.
- Schmid, Stephan, Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, and Emidio Spinelli, eds. Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Schmid, Stephan. “Three Varieties of Early Modern Scepticism.” In Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli, and Stephan Schmid, 181–201 . Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Schmid, Stephan. “Causation and Cognition in Malebranche”. In Causation and Cognition in the Early Modern Period, edited by Sebastian Bender and Dominik Perler, London: Routledge, 2019.
Schmid, Stephan and Yitzhak Melamed. “Report on the Sceptical Atelier on Maimon’s Lebensgeschichte (6–9 February, 2017).” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 293–298. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
- Schmid, Stephan. “Intuition.” In Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online, edited by Friedrich Jaeger and Gerald Hartung, Leiden: Brill, 2017.
Schnieder, Benjamin (Senior Fellow)
Schnieder, Benjamin: “Grounding and Dependence.” Synthese 197 (2020): 95–124. [Link: Open Access]
Schnieder, Benjamin, and Yannic Kappes. “Optimalism and the Grounds of Existential Truths.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 124 (2017): 264–72.
Schnieder, Benjamin, and Yannic Kappes. “Anything at All. The Deepest and the Shallowest Question.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (2016): 543–65.
Schulte, Christoph (Senior Fellow)
- Schulte, Christoph. “Skepsis gegenüber dem Fortschritt, Mendelssohns Widerstand gegen die Geschichtsphilosophie.” In Von Moses bis Moses… Der jüdische Mendelssohn, 46–59. Hannover: Wehrhahn, 2020.
- Schulte, Christoph. “Leibniz’ Theodizee in Mendelssohns Kommentar zum Buch Prediger.” Mendelssohn-Studien 22 (2021): 41–57.
Segev, Ran (Junior Fellow)
- Segev, Ran. “Iberian Covenant: Mosaic Law and Theology of Exile in Menasseh ben Israel’s Thought.” The Journal of Religion (October, 2022) (forthcoming).
- Segev, Ran. “The Problem Solver: Colonial Knowledge, Authority and the Compilation of Natural Marvels in Juan de Cárdenas’ problemas, y secretos.” In Between Chorography and Cultural Encyclopaedia: Defining an Early Modern Genre and its Agency from a Transcultural Perspective, edited by Anna Boroffka, XX–XX. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Segev, Ran. “Accountable Creatures: Primatt’s Dissertation, The Religious Enlightenment and the Origins of Animals Rights.” The Journal of Early Modern History 25, no. 5 (2021): 369–391.
Smidt van Gelder-Fontaine, Resianne (Senior Fellow)
- Smidt van Gelder-Fontaine, Resianne. Hebrew Encyclopedia of the Thirteenth Century: Natural Philosophy in Judah ben Solomon ha-Cohen’s Midrash ha-Ḥokhmah. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2022.
Snyder, Charles (Junior Fellow)
- Snyder, Charles. “On the Teaching of Ethics from Polemo to Arcesilaus.” Études platoniciennes 14 (2018), 1–29.
- Snyder, Charles. “Renaissance Skepticism.” In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, edited by Marco Sgarbi. Cham: Springer, 2018.
- Snyder, Charles. “Plato and the Freedom of the New Academy.” In Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Plato in Antiquity, edited by Harold Tarrant, Danielle A. Layne, Dirk Baltzly and François Renaud. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
- Snyder, Charles. Review of David Ambuel, Turtles All the Way Down: On Plato’s 'Theaetetus', a Commentary and Translation. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2015. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Blog 2.8.2016, 4 pages.
- Snyder, Charles. “Becoming Like a Woman: Philosophy in Plato’s Theaetetus.” Epochê: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21/1 (2016): 1–19.
- Snyder, Charles. “Two Kinds of Belief for Classical Academic Skepticism.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016, edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Bill Rebiger, 7–22. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2016. [Link: Open Access]
Spinelli, Emidio (Senior Fellow)
Spinelli, Emidio, Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, and Stephan Schmid, eds. Sceptical Paths: Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Spinelli, Emidio. “Some Blunt Instruments of Dogmatic Logic: Sextus Empiricus’ Sceptical Attack.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 15–28. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Stern, Josef (Senior Fellow)
Stern, Josef, James T. Robinson, and Yonatan Shemesh, eds. Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed in Translation: A History from the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019.
Stern, Josef. “What is Maimonidean Scepticism?” In Sceptical Paths: Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli, and Stephan Schmid, 97–126. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Stern, Josef. Ha-homer veha-tsurah be-Moreh Nevukhim la-Rambam (Hebrew translation of The Matter and Form of Maimonides’ Guide). Bnei Brak: Ha-Kibbutz Ha-Meuhad Publishing, 2017.
Stern, Josef. “Was jüdische Philosophie sein könnte (wenn es sie gäbe). Ein mediävistischer Blick.” Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2 (2017): 7–30.
Stern, Josef. “What is Jewish Philosophy? A View from the Middle Ages.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 185–204. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Stern, Josef. “What a Jewish Philosophy Might Be (If It Exists): A View from the Middle Ages.” Iyyun 66 (2017): 227–57. [Link: Not Open Access]
Strauss, Ze'ev (Research Team Member, MCAS II)
Strauss, Ze’ev and Carlos Lévy, ed. Philo of Alexandria and Jewish Philosophical Scepticism. Studies in Philo of Alexandria. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2024.
Strauss, Ze’ev. “Philo of Alexandria’s Sceptical Judaism: Mixture of Scepticism and Dogmatism in Philo of Alexandria and Jewish Philosophical Scepticism.” In Philo of Alexandria and Jewish Philosophical Scepticism. Studies in Philo of Alexandria, edited by Ze’ev Strauss and Carlos Lévy. Leiden, Boston: Brill: forthcoming.
Gottlieb, Michah, Libera Pisano, José María Sánchez de León Serrano, and Ze’ev Strauss, ed. Tolerance and Scepticism: Moses Mendelssohn, Salomon Maimon, and the Thought of Jewish Enlightenment. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2024.
Strauss, Ze’ev. “The Spirit of Contradiction: Ecclesiastes, Scepticism, and Jewish Education in the Berliner Haskalah.” In Tolerance and Scepticism: Moses Mendelssohn, Salomon Maimon, and the Thought of Jewish Enlightenment, edited by Michah Gottlieb, Libera Pisano, José María Sánchez de León Serrano and Ze’ev Strauss. Leiden, Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2024.
Strauss, Ze’ev. “Mendelssohn and the Protestant Pedants: The Skeptical Rabbis, the Principle of Noncontradiction, and the Spiritual Dialogue” Harvard Theological Review (forthcoming 2023).
Strauss, Ze’ev. “‘Lernet sie und habet Acht sie zu erfüllen.ʼ Jüdische Erziehung, Qohelet und die rabbinische Traditionsliteratur bei Moses Mendelssohnʼ. In Grenzgänge wissenschaftlicher Reflexivität in Judentum, Christentum und Islam, edited by Johannes Müller, Tuğrul Kurt, Felix Machka and Christoph Rogers, forthcoming 2022.
- Strauss, Ze'ev. "Meister Eckhart Reading Ibn Gabirol’s Fons vitae." In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 65–100. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Syros, Vasileios (Senior Fellow)
- Syros, Vasileios. “Cosmological Metaphors and Early Modern Absolutism in Seventeenth-Century Jewish Political Thought.” Revue des études 180, no. 1–2 (2021): 71–96.
Torbidoni, Michela (Senior Fellow)
- Torbidoni, Michela. “Challenging Religious Authorities. The Scientific Commitment of Simone Luzzatto and Yoseph Delmedigo.” Filosofia Italiana 15, no. 1 (2020): 93–110.
- Torbidoni, Michela, Guido Bartolucci and Libera Pisano, ed. Filosofia Ebraica in Italia (XV-XIX secolo). Filosofia Italiana 15, no. 1 (2020). [Link: Open Access]
- Torbidoni, Michela. "Socratic Impulse, Secular Tendency, and Jewish Emancipation: A Comparison between Simone Luzzatto and Moses Mendelssohn." In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 11–29. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
- Torbidoni, Michela. Acosmismo come religione. Giovanni Gentile e Piero Martinetti interpreti di Spinoza. Rome: Edizioni di Comunità, 2020.
- Luzzatto, Simone. Socrates or on Human Knowledge. Bilingual Edition, edited, translated, and commented by Giuseppe Veltri and Michela Torbidoni. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
- Torbidoni, Michela. “Il dubbio per la rivelazione. Tracce di scetticismo in Franz Rosenzweig” (Doubt and Revelation. Traces of scepticism in Franz Rosenzweig). Archivio di Filosofia 1 (2018): 173–182.
- Torbidoni, Michela. “The Italian Academies and Rabbi Simone Luzzatto’s Socrate: the Freedom of the Ingenium and the Soul.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 71–94. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
- Torbidoni, Michela and Veltri Giuseppe. “Alcune considerazioni sulla sospensione del giudizio e il silenzio nella tradizione ebraica scettica [together with Michela Torbidoni]. In Seconda navigazione, Omaggio a Giovanni Reale, edited by Roberto Radice and Glauco Tiengo, 745–757. Milan: Bompiani, 2015.
- Torbidoni, Michaela. “Il metodo del dubbio nel Socrate.” In Filosofo e Rabbino nella Venezia del Seicento. Studi su Simone Luzzatto (1583 ca.-1663). Con un’appendice di documenti inediti dall’Archivio di Stato, edited by Giuseppe Veltri, 183–245 Rome: Aracne, 2015.
- Veltri, Giuseppe and Michela Torbidoni. “Luzzatto, Simone.” In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, edited by Marco Sgarbi. Cham: Springer, 2015.
Veltri, Giuseppe (Director)
- Veltri, Giuseppe. “Jesuit Strategic Scepticism on Religious Self-consciousness and Commonalities: Chinese Muslims, Jews, and Christians in the Eyes of Matteo Ricci (1552–1610) and his “Translator” Nicolas Trigault (1557–1628).” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 265–278. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
- Veltri, Giuseppe. Il Rinascimento nel pensiero ebraico. Torino: Claudiana/Paideia, 2020.
- Luzzatto, Simone. Discourse on the State of the Jews and in particular those dwelling in the illustrious city of Venice (1638). Bilingual Edition, edited, translated, and commented by Giuseppe Veltri and Anna Lissa. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
- Luzzatto, Simone. Socrates, or on Human Knowledge. Bilingual Edition, edited, translated, and commented by Giuseppe Veltri and Michela Torbidoni. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
- Veltri, Giuseppe, Racheli Haliva, Emidio Spinelli, and Stephan Schmid, eds. Sceptical Paths. Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
- Veltri, Giuseppe and Anna Lissa. “La Prudence de Simone Luzzatto dans le Grand Théâtre du Monde.” In La vertu des païens, edited by Silvie Taussi, 143–172. Paris: Éditions Kimé, 2018.
- Veltri, Giuseppe. “Religious unexclusiveness: the Strategic Relativism of Yehoshua ha-Lorki.” In A Mi Derecha Michael: Limini Mikha’el: Jubilee Volume in Sephardic History Honoring Michael Studemund-Halévy, eds. Harm den Boer, Carsten Wilke, and Anna Menny. Barcelona, Tirocinio, 2018. (Vol.1 of Festschrift).
- Veltri, Giuseppe. Alienated Wisdom: Enquiry into Jewish Philosophy and Scepticism. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018.
- Veltri, Giuseppe. “Scepticism in Jewish Philosophy and Thought: A Status Quaestionis.” In Judaistik im Wandel. Ein halbes Jahrhundert Forschung und Lehre über das Judentum in Deutschland, edited by Andreas Lehnhardt, 211–222. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017.
- Veltri, Giuseppe. Negotiating the Principle of (Non)-Contradiction: Johann Frischmuth on the Rabbinic Dialectic Discussion. In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2017, edited by Bill Rebiger, 107–119. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
- Veltri, Giuseppe. Sapienza Alienata. La Filosofia ebraica tra mito, storia e scetticismo. Rome: Aracne, 2017.
- Veltri, Giuseppe. “The Limits of Scepticism and Tolerance.” Bollettino della Società Filosofica Italiana 221 (2017): 37–55.
- Veltri, Giuseppe. “Exchanging Cultural Space: The Jewish Ghetto and the Italian Academies.” Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo 14 (2017): 15–30.
- Veltri, Giuseppe and Anna Lissa. “Come attraversar il canale restando fermi: un responso famoso di Simone Luzzatto nell’enciclopedia di Isacco Lampronti.” In Nuovi studi su Isacco Lampronti. Storia, poesia, scienza e halakah, edited by Mauro Perani, 259–269. Firenze: Giuntina, 2017.
- Veltri, Giuseppe. “Principi del pensiero scettico ebraico: il caso di Yehudah Moscato e Simone Luzzatto.” In Lombardia Iudaica, edited by Ermanno Finzi, 57–77. Florence: La Giuntina, 2017.
Veltri, Giuseppe. “Linguistic Scepticism.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016, edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Bill Rebiger, 23–38. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2016. [Link: Open Access]
Veltri, Giuseppe and Evelien Chayes. Oltre le mura del ghetto: Accademie, scetticismo e tolleranza nella Venezia barocca. Studi e documenti d’archivio. Palermo: New Digital Frontiers, 2016.
Veltri, Giuseppe and Bill Rebiger, eds. Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2016. [Link: Open Access]
Veltri, Giuseppe and Michela Torbidoni. “Alcune considerazioni sulla sospensione del giudizio e il silenzio nella tradizione ebraica scettica [together with Michela Torbidoni]. In Seconda navigazione, Omaggio a Giovanni Reale, edited by Roberto Radice and Glauco Tiengo, 745– 757. Milan: Bompiani, 2015.
- Veltri, Giuseppe, ed. Filosofo e Rabbino nella Venezia del Seicento. Studi su Simone Luzzatto (1583 ca. - 1663). Con un'appendice di documenti inediti dall'Archivio di Stato. Aracne: Roma, 2015.
Publications on Scepticism before start of MCAS
Veltri, Giuseppe and Gianfranco Miletto. “... per esser buon Catolico Cristian, è necessario esser perfettamente Ebreo”. Difesa inedita del senatore veneziano Loredan in favore degli ebrei nel 1659/60, basata sul ‘Discorso’ di Simone Luzzatto.” Henoch 26/2 (2014): 307–327.
Veltri, Giuseppe. “Do/Did the Jews Believe in God? The Skeptical Ambivalence of Jewish Philosophy of Religion.” In Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schäfer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Vol. 2, edited by Ra’anan Boustan, Klaus Hermann, Reimund Leicht, Annette Yoshiko Reed, and Giuseppe Veltri, 717–733. Tübingen: Mohr, 2013.
Veltri, Giuseppe. “The False Prophet and the Magician.” In Scritti in onore di Horacio Simian-Yofre S.J., edited by. Elzbieta M. Obara and Giovani Paolo D. Succu, 343–357. GBP: Rome, 2013.
Veltri, Giuseppe. "Sul nome di Dio: La blasfemia, la presenza di Dio e lo scetticismo ebraico." In Il roveto ardente. Studi sull'ebraismo Tedesco in memoria di Francesca Y. Albertini, edited by Irene Kajon, 31–46. Rome: Lithos, 2013.
Veltri, Giuseppe. Maharal against Azaria de Rossi: The Other Side of Skepticism. In Rabbinic Theology and Jewish Intellectual History. The Great Rabbi Loew of Prague, edited by Meir Seidel, 65–76, Oxford: Routledge, 2012.
Veltri, Giuseppe. "Lo spazio del dissenso. Tre tipi di anticonfromismo nel ‘900: Leo Baeck, Jacob Taubes e Yeshayahu Leibowitz." In: Giacobbe e l'angelo. Figure ebraiche alle radici della modernita' europea, edited by Emilia D’Antuono, Irene Kajon and Chiara Adorisio, 497–511. Lithos: Rom, 2012.
Veltri, Giuseppe. “Freche Schüler vs. gescheite Rabbinen. Die Kunst des Lernens im antiken Judentum.“ In Meister und Schüler in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Von Religionen der Antike bis zur modernen Esoterik, edited by Almut-Barbara Renger, 135–145. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2012.
Veltri, Giuseppe. “Principles of Jewish Skeptical Thought. The Case of Judah Moscato and Simone Luzzatto.” In Rabbi Judah Moscato and the Jewish Intellectual World of Mantua in 16th-17th Centuries, edited by Giuseppe Veltri and Gianfranco Miletto, 15–36. Boston, Leiden: Brill, 2012.
Veltri, Giuseppe and Gianfranco Miletto, ed. Judah Moscato’s Sermon. Volume One. Edition, Translation and Commentary. Boston, Leiden: Brill. 2011.
Veltri, Giuseppe. Renaissance Philosophy in Jewish Garb: Foundations and Challenges in Jewish Thought on the Eve of Modernity. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2009.
Veres, Máté (Junior Fellow)
Veres, Máté. “How to Resist Musical Dogmatism: The Aim and Methods of Pyrrhonian Inquiry in Sextus Empiricus Against the Musicologists (Math. 6).” In Music and Philosophy in the Roman Empire, edited by Francesco Pelosi and Federico M. Petrucci, 108–30. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Veres, Máte. “The Causes of Epochē: A Note on Stromateis 8.22.1–4.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 53–64. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Veres, Máté. “Keep Calm and Carry On: Sextus Empiricus on the Origins of Pyrrhonism.” History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis 23 (2020): 100–122.
Veres, Máté. “Sextus Empiricus on Religious Dogmatism.” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 58 (2020): 239–80.
Veres, Máté. Review of How To Be a Pyrrhonist: The Practice and Significance of Pyrrhonian Skepticism, by Richard Bett. Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2019.11.05. [Link: Open Access]
Veres, Máté. Review of Sextus Empiricus, Against Those in the Disciplines, edited and translated by Richard Bett. International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 9 (2019): 169–72.
Veres, Máté. Review of The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy, edited by Vasilis Politis and George E. Karamanolis. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2018.11.08. [Link: Open Access]
Veres, Máté, Review of Scepticisme et religion: Constantes et évolutions, de la philosophie hellénistique à la philosophie médiévale. Monothéismes et philosophie, edited by Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic and Carlos Lévy. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2017.07.32. [Link: Open Access]
Veres, Máté. “Theology, Innatism, and the Epicurean Self.” Ancient Philosophy 37 (2017): 129–59. [Link: Open Access]
Welz, Claudia (Senior Fellow)
Welz, Claudia. “Freiheit und Sünde: Überlegungen im Anschluss an Kierkegaard, Rosenzweig, Ricœur und Heschel.” In Die Erbsündenlehre in der modernen Freiheitsdebatte, edited by Christoph Böttigheimer and René Dausner, 255–74. Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 2021.
Welz, Claudia. “Gewissenserfahrung, Gotteswort und Sprachskepsis bei Emmanuel Levinas.” In Emmanuel Levinas: Ein epochaler Impulsgeber für Theologie, Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften, 210–20. Special issue, Zeitschrift für christlich-jüdische Begegnung im Kontext 3 (2020).
Westerkamp, Dirk (Senior Fellow)
- Westerkamp, Dirk. Spekulative Epen. Studien zur Sprachphilosophie des Deutschen Idealismus. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021.
Westerkamp, Dirk. “Quaestio sceptica disputata de philosophia judaeorum: Is there a Jewish Philosophy?” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018, edited by Bill Rebiger, 3–14. Berlin, Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Wilke, Carsten (Senior Fellow)
Wilke, Carsten. “Torah Alone: Protestantism as Model and Target of Sephardi Religious Polemics in the Early Modern Netherlands.” In Polemical Encounters: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond, edited by Mercedes García-Arenal and Gerard Wiegers, 357–76. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2019. [Link: Open Access]
Wilke, Carsten. “Clandestine Classics: Isaac Orobio’s Polemical Works and the Generic Traditions of Sephardi Anti-Christian Literature.” In The Jewish Argument with Dogma and Doubt, edited by Carsten Wilke, 57–76. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Wilke, Carsten, ed. Isaac Orobio: The Jewish Argument with Dogma and Doubt. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Wilke, Carsten. “The New Christians of Tavira in the Sixteenth Century: Trade, Diaspora, and Religious Heterodoxy between Morocco and the Low Countries.” Cadernos de estudos sefarditas 19 (2018): 11–28. [Link: Open Access]
Wilke, Carsten. “O segredo dos doutores: um círculo de académicos cripto-judeus em Lisboa, 1593-1614.” In Belmonte: Inquisição, criptojudaismo, marranismo, edited by António Bento, 189–211. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior/Editora LabCom.IFP, 2018. [Link: Open Access]
Wilke, Carsten. “Private Antiquities: The Lifeworldly Aspects of the Talmud in Nineteenth-Century Stereotypes and Scholarship.” Trumah 24 (2018): 97–117. [Link: Open Access]
Wilke, Carsten. Farewell to Shulamit: Spatial and Social Diversity in the Song of Songs. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [Link: Open Access]
Yonover, Jason (Junior Fellow)
- Yonover, Jason. “Salomon Maimon’s ‘History of His Philosophical Authorship in Dialogues.’” Nexus: Essays in German-Jewish Studies, forthcoming.
Yonover, Jason. “Nietzsche and Spinoza.” In A Companion to Spinoza, edited by Yitzhak Melamed, 527–37. Hoboken, NJ, and Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.
Yonover, Jason, and Michael Nance. “Introduction to Salomon Maimon’s ‘On the First Grounds of Natural Right’ (1795).” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (2020): 146–56. [Link: Open Access]
Yonover, Jason, and Michael Nance, trans. “Salomon Maimon, ‘On the First Grounds of Natural Right.’” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (2020): 157–72. [Link: Open Access]
Zolghadr, Behnam (Junior Fellow)
Zolghadr, Behnam. “The Theory of Aḥwāl and Arguments against the Law of Non-Contradiction.” In Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2019, edited by Yoav Meyrav, 31–52. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. [Link: Open Access]
Zolghadr, Behnam. “Being and Nothingness.” The Australasian Journal of Logic 16, no. 3 (2019): 68–82. [Link: Open Access]
Zolghadr, Behnam. “Avicenna on the Law of Non-Contradiction.” History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (2019): 105–15. [Link: Open Access]