for Advanced Studies
14-15 May, Workshop "Breaking Idols, Embracing Doubts"
25 April 2024
Photo: iStock/morkeman
We would like to invite you to the workshop "Breaking Idols, Embracing Doubts From idolatrous to Sceptical Attitudes". It will take place on 14 and 15 May 2024.
14-15 May 2024
- Beniamino Fortis (Universität Hamburg)
Besides referring to specific philosophical positions, scepticism can also be taken in a broader sense as a general disposition towards reality and truth. An analogous extension in meaning, however, is also noticeable in what can arguably be regarded as the opposite of scepticism; to wit, idolatry, which signifies the human practice of worship, but can also be generalised to indicate a forma mentis.
In both cases, a change in perspective is involved: from actual philosophical and historical phenomena to the ways of thinking they imply. Rather than scepticism and idolatry, it would then probably be more accurate to talk of sceptical and idolatrous attitudes, with the former posing a relentless challenge to supposedly immovable truths, while the latter are characterised by an uncritical acceptance of their validity.
In this context, philosophical interpretations of Jewish anti-idolatry have certainly made a far from negligible contribution to the debate, promoting a questioning approach against any form of intellectual subjection to dogmas, assumptions, or authorities.
This workshop will focus on the contrast between idolatrous and sceptical attitudes, exploring its various aspects in the light of philosophical and Jewish sources alike.
- Chiara Adorisio (Sapienza Università di Roma)
- Agata Bielik-Robson (University of Nottingham)
- Caterina Diotto (Universität Hamburg)
- Haris Papoulias (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Melissa Raphael (Leo Baeck College London)
- Lars Tittmar (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Michael Zank (Boston University)
The event is open to the public. Please contact MCAS for further information and registration.