for Advanced Studies
Fellowships 2022–23: 2nd Call for Applications
18 February 2022

The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies invites researchers to apply for its junior and senior fellowship programme for the academic year 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.
Call for Applications
Doctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Senior Fellowships
Application Deadline: 15 March 2022
The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS) at Universität Hamburg would like to invite researchers to apply for its junior and senior fellowship programme for the academic year 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.
The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies at Universität Hamburg
The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies is a Humanities Research Institute at Universität Hamburg which is led by Prof. Dr Giuseppe Veltri and funded by the German Research Foundation. MCAS’s central aim is to explore and research scepticism in Judaism in its dual manifestation as both a purely philosophical tradition and a more general expression of sceptical strategies, concepts, and attitudes in the cultural field.
Topic: Limits of Faith, Limits of Scepticism (2022/23)
In the academic year 2022/23, MCAS will examine the role of scepticism in limitations of faith and then turn the question inside out and examine what happens when scepticism becomes its own object: Can scepticism be upheld as a tenable position? Questions pursued in this year will include (but are by no means confined to): What strategies do Jewish Enlightenment thinkers pursue in order to defend God’s (alleged) justice and goodness and divine providence from assaults from critical thought? Is the problem of (Jewish) theodicy—especially in light of the Holocaust—(also) a sceptical problem? Is doubting one’s religion an instance of scepticism? What are the possibilities and scope of the misuse/abuse of sceptical argumentation (particularly in religious and political contexts, where debates about fake news and alternative facts have become significant)? To what extent do faith and scepticism intersect in the context of contemporary concerns (such as climate change, Covid-19, the refugee crisis, and the new authoritarianism, to name but a few)?
These questions can be addressed from the point of view of several disciplines, such as Jewish studies, philosophy, history, literature, the arts, and cultural anthropology. The successful candidate’s project should resonate productively with the annual topic as described. Priority will be given to projects dealing with the (early) modern period.
Junior Fellowships (PhD and Postdoc)
Junior fellowships are awarded to advanced PhD students and postdoctoral researchers (within four years of receipt of PhD) in Jewish studies, history, philosophy, Islamic studies, religious studies, or related fields in the humanities. PhD students must have obtained an MA degree at the time of their application. Postdoctoral candidates must be in possession of a doctoral degree at the time of their application.
- Fellowship period: 12 months (1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023)
Senior Fellowships
Senior fellowships are intended for researchers in Jewish studies, history, philosophy, Islamic studies, religious studies, or related fields in the humanities who have held a PhD for at least four years at the time of application (category I) and those who have achieved a professorship or equivalent academic position (category II).
- Fellowship period: 3–5 months
- Commencement of fellowship period: 1 October 2022 or 1 April 2023
Successful applicants (junior and senior fellowship programme) are asked to take up residence in Hamburg, to carry out research at MCAS, to actively attend events at the centre, and to take part in the centre’s activities, such as contributing to the Encyclopedia of Scepticism and Jewish Tradition or the Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion.
Funding is subject to the terms and conditions of MCAS regulations, following suggestions made by Universität Hamburg. For further information, please contact MCAS (contact details see below).
Application Procedure
Applicants are requested to submit the following documents in English in one PDF file:
- A completed application form (link: PDF)
- A research proposal of two to three pages, including the project’s relationship to the annual topic, the status quaestionis of the chosen topic, the candidate’s prior research that is relevant to the proposed topic, a detailed programme of work including a timetable, and a description of the expected form of the outcome of the project
- A full CV and up-to-date publications list (max. 5 pages)
- A transcript of records/master’s certificate (PhD fellowship) or PhD diploma (postdoctoral fellowship)
In addition, two letters of recommendation (junior fellows only; for the PhD fellowship, one of the letters must be written by the PhD supervisor) must be sent directly to MCAS by the referees.
Applications and recommendation letters must be submitted via email by 15 March 2022 to maria.wazinski"AT"
Acceptance letters will be sent out in April 2022.
MCAS aims to increase the number of women in advanced academic positions and strongly encourages women to apply.
Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by MCAS’s advisory board.
For further information and questions, please contact MCAS’s academic coordinator Maria Wazinski:
Email: maria.wazinski"AT"
Phone: +49-(0)40-42838-8605
Universität Hamburg
Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies
Gorch-Fock-Wall 7
20354 Hamburg